Is your Church looking to start online giving? Below is a listing of various Archdiocese of Detroit parishes and their respective vendors. The Blue Water Vicariate does not endorse or oppose any of the vendors mentioned below, but offers this listing only as a resource. Parish office telephone numbers are provided below in the event you'd like to contact them about their vendor's services.
Parish Website |
Parish Phone |
Online Giving Vendor |
313 928 1324 734 847 2805 |
WeShare (LPI) " |
248 391 1621 734 453 0326 |
MyOwnGiving (ParishSoft) " |
313 277 3110 |
313 965 4450 313 237 5810 |
" |
313 884 5554 313 822 2814 |
" |
586 268 2244 |
313 647 5000 |
734 285 9840 |
Others found through Google |