Rev. Joseph Esper
►Catechism of the Catholic Church #1322-1323
The holy Eucharist completes Christian initiation. Those who have been raised to the dignity of the royal priesthood by Baptism and configured more deeply to Christ by Confirmation participate with the whole community in the Lord's own sacrifice by means of the Eucharist.
"At the Last Supper, on the night he was betrayed, our Savior instituted the Eucharistic sacrifice of his Body and Blood. This he did in order to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross throughout the ages until he should come again, and so to entrust to his beloved Spouse, the Church, a memorial of his death and resurrection: a sacrament of love, a sign of unity, a bond of charity, a Paschal banquet 'in which Christ is consumed, the mind is filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory is given to us.'"
For a CCC link and printer friendly USCCB document related to the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, please explore the sidebar. Also in the sidebar is a video from Busted Halo on the Eucharist.
Eucharist, 1322-1419
as an act of thanksgiving, 1359
as a memorial, 1357, 1362
as presence, 1373-75
as sacrifice, 1362-72
as source and summit of Church life, 1324
See also Consecration; Sacrament(s); Transubstantiation
effects of the Eucharist
cleanses and separates us from sin, 1393-95, 1436, 1846
commits us to the poor, 1397
communicates the mystery of the communion of the Holy Trinity, 950, 2845
establishes the community of believers, 805, 1396, 2637
as a foretaste of the future life, 1000, 1326, 1402-05, 1419
as growth in Christian life, 1392, 1397, 1644
as an increase of the grace received in Baptism, 1392
as the source of conversion and penance, 1436
as spiritual food, 1212, 1275, 1436, 2837
transforms man through Christ, 1074
unites with Christ, 790, 1003, 1391
unites Christians, 1398
unites with the heavenly liturgy, 1370
we participate in Christ's sacrifice, 1322
Eucharistic celebration
commanded by Jesus, 1341-44, 1356
elements in the Mass
anaphora, 1352-54
collection, 1351
communion, 1355, 1382, 1570
epiclesis, 1105, 1353
fundamental structures, 1346
gathering of the Christian faithful, 1348
Liturgy of the Word, 1349
presentation of the gifts, 1350
Eucharistic communion
access to Eucharist prohibited, 1650
first Holy Communion, 1244
frequency of, 1388-89
minister of, 1411
necessary preparation for receiving, 1385-87
requirements for receiving, 1355, 1415
sacrilege against, 2120
under two species, 1390
Eucharistic signs
altar, 1383
bread and wine, 1333-35
Liturgy of the Word because of the impossibility of celebrating the Eucharist, 2183
necessity of the Eucharist and receiving Communion, 1384
participation in, 2042, 2181-82
place for celebration of, 1180-81
places reserved for, 1181, 1379
Sunday, 2177, 2181
and the unity of Christians, 838, 1398-1401
history of the Eucharist
ancient celebration of the Lord's Day, 1342-43, 2178
Mass of all ages, 1345
origins of the Eucharistic celebration, 2176
prefigurings of the Eucharist, 1094, 1335
structure of the Eucharistic celebration preserved throughout the centuries, 1346
identity of the Eucharist
act of thanksgiving and praise to the Father, 1358-61
communion of the Lord's body and blood, 1097, 1382
memorial of Christ's sacrifice, 611, 1337, 1357-58, 1362-72, 1382
memorial of the New Covenant, 1621
mystery of Christ's action, 2718
presence of Christ, 1357-58
presence of the coming Kingdom, 1405, 2861
sacrament of
Christian initiation, 1212, 1533
communion, 1382, 1395
Redemption, 1846
sacraments, 1169, 1211
source of charity, 864, 1395
source and summit of Christian life, 1324-27
institution of the Eucharist
"Do this in memory of me," 1341-44
Jesus and, 1337-40
purposes of, 610, 1341
minister of the celebration of the Eucharist. See Bishop; Priest/priesthood
names of the Eucharist
the Breaking of Bread, 1329
Daily bread, 2837
the Eucharist, 1328
the Eucharistic assembly, 1329
Holy Communion, 1331
the holy and Divine Liturgy, 1330
Holy Mass, 1332
the Holy Sacrifice, 1330
the Lord's Supper, 1329
Memorial of the Lord's Passion
and Resurrection, 1330
the Most Blessed sacrament, 1330
the sacrament of sacraments, 1169, 1211
the sacrifice of the Mass, 1330
the sacrifice of praise, 2643
presence of Christ in the Eucharist
enduring Eucharistic presence of Christ, 1377
in the Eucharistic assembly, 1348
in the Eucharistic species, 1373
faith in Christ, 1381
in the Liturgy of the Word, 1088, 1349
in the priest, 1348
significance of, 1380
transubstantiation of Christ declared by the Tridentine Council, 1376
true and mysterious, 1357, 1373-77
true, real, and substantial, 1374
veiled presence of Christ in the Eucharist, 1404
worship of latria and the adoration of, 1378-79
among men, 357, 775, 1445, 1702, 2419
between the divine persons, 267, 738, 1693
between man and woman, 371-72, 383, 2331-32
of the bishop with the Christian faithful, 84, 1301
catechesis and communion with Christ, 426
of charisms, 951
of charity, 953
the Church and (see Church)
of the Church of heaven and earth, 954-59
with the dead, 958, 1684, 1689, 1690
ecclesial communion
and the family, 2204-05
and schism, 2089
and sin, 1440, 1446, 1448, 1455
Eucharistic (see Eucharist)
in faith, 154, 185, 188, 949, 1102, 1209
friendship as spiritual, 2347
of the Holy Spirit, 734, 1097, 1108-09
liturgy and, 1071, 1136
of man
with Christ, 533, 725, 787, 790, 1331
with the divine persons, 259, 732, 737, 850, 1107
with God, 27, 45, 54, 154, 613, 780, 1489, 1804
with the mysteries of Jesus, 519-21
prayer as, 2565, 2655, 2682, 2689, 2713, 2799, 2801
of the sacraments, 950
sacraments at the service of, 790, 1126, 1533-35
of spiritual goods, 949, 952
of the Supreme Pontiff with the bishops, 85, 100, 816, 892, 895