►Catechism of the Catholic Church #1446
Christ instituted the sacrament of Penance for all sinful members of his Church: above all for those who, since Baptism, have fallen into grave sin, and have thus lost their baptismal grace and wounded ecclesial communion. It is to them that the sacrament of Penance offers a new possibility to convert and to recover the grace of justification. The Fathers of the Church present this sacrament as "the second plank [of salvation] after the shipwreck which is the loss of grace."
Please explore the lower sidebar for a CCC link, a printer friendly USCCB document and a video by Busted Halo, all related to this grace-filled Sacrament!
Penance and Reconciliation
age for confessing sins, 1457
Anointing of the Sick and the forgiveness of sins, 1532
and Baptism, 1425-26
Baptism and the forgiveness of sins, 535, 977-78
commandment to receive the sacrament of, 1457, 2042
eschatological significance of the sacrament of, 1470
the Eucharist and forgiveness of sins, 1393, 1395, 1436, 1846
indulgence, 1471
power to confer the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation to non-Catholic Christians, 1401
purposes of the sacrament of, 1421, 1468
receiving absolution in the sacrament before receiving Eucharistic Communion, 1415
receiving the sacrament before the celebration of Matrimony, 1622
as a sacrament, 1210
sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation in particularly grave cases, 1463
instituted by Christ, 1446
instituted for all men, 827, 1446
sacramental seal of Confession, 1467, 2490
sacrifice of Christ as the source of forgiveness of man's sins, 1851
See also Sacrament(s)
absolution, 1480-84
Byzantine liturgy and formulas of, 1481
communal celebration and individual, 1482
excommunication and, 1463
formulas of, 1449, 1481
general, 1483
grave sins and, 1415, 1457, 1497
over the dying Christian, 1020
power to forgive sins, 553, 976, 1441-42, 1444-45, 1461
acts of the penitent, 1491
confession, 1455-58
of grave sins necessary for obtaining reconciliation, 1493
individual confession and a communal celebration, 1482
necessity of confessing sins, 1448
personal confession the most expressive form of reconciliation, 1484
of sins and conversion, 1435
of venial sins, 1493, 1863
contrition, 1451-54
Holy Spirit gives the grace of, 1433
as necessary to obtain forgiveness, 982, 1259, 1861, 1864
no penance after death, 393
perfect and imperfect, 1492
and sacramental Confession, 1452
as sorrow of the soul, 1451
examination of conscience, 1454, 1456
as an act of the penitent, 1491
forms of penance and their purposes, 1460
purposes of, 1494
through the penance imposed by the confessor, 1460
effects of the sacrament
anticipating the Last Judgment, 1470
brings about a "spiritual resurrection," 1468
gives pardon for offense committed against God, 1422
reconciling with God, 980, 1468
reconciling with the Church, 980, 1422, 1469
recovering grace, 1446, 1468
forgiveness and Penance and Reconciliation
the Church as a place of reconciliation, 755
God reconciles the world to Himself in Christ, 433
pardon as the fundamental condition of Reconciliation, 2844
reconciliation of all Christians in the unity of Christ's Church, 822
reconciliation with the Church, 1443-45
ways of reconciliation, 981, 1449, 1455
See also Forgiveness: forgiveness of sins
liturgical celebration or rite of the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
actions of the penitent (see Penance and Reconciliation: acts of the penitent)
actions of the priest, 1491
changes in liturgical celebration of the sacrament of Penance over the centuries, 1447-48
communal, 1482-83
fundamental structure, 1448, 1480
minister of, 1461-62, 1466
necessity of the sacrament
for receiving the other sacraments, 1385
for Reconciliation with God and with the Church, 1484
for recovering the grace of justification, 1446
for obtaining forgiveness of mortal sins, 1395
titles for the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
sacrament of Confession, 1424, 1455-58
conversion, 1423
forgiveness, 1395, 1424, 1446
pardon, 1422
Penance, 1423
Reconciliation, 1385, 1424, 1440
remission, 1496